Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Midwest Clinic Meeting

Those in attendance at the ASBDA Midwest Clinic meeting had a wonderful time catching up, renewing friendships, hearing about the work of the Association, and getting a chance to meet Frank Tichelli.

Steve King, on behalf of the Goldman/Harding Award Committee and Committee Chair William Svec, presented the Goldman Award to composer Frank Tichelli.

In addition, President Cindy Swan-Eagan gave a report about the Orlando Convention.

President-Elect Monte Dunnum gave an update about the regionalization and voting.

Past President Jeff Phillips gave an update about Curriculum Reform.

Member-At-Large Carole Grooms gave a report about a new project she will be beginning later this year.

In addition, a great breakfast was enjoyed by all, Dennis Hanna gave an update, and much laughter was shared by all. Thanks for being there - until next time!

Cindy Swan-Eagan, President, ASBDA

1 comment:

  1. CINDY: What else has happened with regard to our association since Midwest? JIM
