Monday, February 8, 2010

The importance of Regional Representatives

The newly revised ASBDA Handbook clearly defines the role of the Regional Reps.
Article VI,5,A - followed by Article VI, 1, E. The intent so stated is a major shift from past practices where the incoming president determined what would be the "thrust" of his/her administration i.e. what course would be pursued during that term in office.

The Reg. Rep. concept mandates that the ideas for ASBDA direction or "program"
come from the regions; are hashed over AND PRIORITIZED by the 5 reps; advance to the executive board and finalized for the association. This then becomes the
ONGOING program of the association and is in fact each incoming presidents
agenda. It does NOT change with a change in the presidency.

Important here is that the executive board cannot override the prioritization of the Reg. Reps. without their combined input and agreement.

We have had divisional input in ASBDA as long as I can remember. It is seldom
if ever that these ideas are ever prioritized and voted on to form ASBDA agendas.
For Reg. Reps. this is a heady responsibility and should include pertinent ideas
representing those areas that are less heard from due to low attendance in past
years. This in an effort to boost attendance in those very districts now having a more focused attention of the association.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

teacher assessment/acountability

Here in TN, so that we will at least appear to be making progress (and gain Federal $$ for education), our Legislature just passed a measure making end of course tests, etc. part of teacher evaluation. For the traditional "academics" that's pretty cut and dry. For those of us outside the box, we're still going to be evaluated on student performance, but no one has figured out how. We are trying to come up with and submit ideas for this (other than, "wow that band director sure wins a lot of marchin' trophies, he must be rite fine!"). If there's anything that your state is doing that works (or doesn't!), please let me know REAL soon. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Suggestions Needed

Does anyone have a tried and true method to teach slow quarter note triplets? I have tried several ways. This is one thing that I still have trouble getting across to my students.