Saturday, December 19, 2009

Membership membership!

While at Midwest, we had several inquiries about "what is ASBDA" and "how can I become a member." When checking on the states that many are from, I discovered that we only have ACTIVE membership (more than 3 actives in a state) in 19 states! About 6 with no members at any level and many with all retired, emeritus only. In order to make a "national impact" we need to work on this. Make sure that you take the time to find a worthy prospective member! If you're in a state where someone's band just played at Mid-west (or your state convention), there's a great place to start! Remember that the deadline for all paperwork is April 1st (to Sonja). If you need help getting started, let me know. Let's work to correct this percentage!


  1. Thanks for your comments Zane, but I don't read or speak Chinese; I do, however, prefer my Spam to be fried.

  2. What are to requirements to becoming a member?
