Monday, November 23, 2009

Post a Comment

I'd like to issue a challenge this week for all ASBDA members to post a comment to the blog - let's encourage everyone to read the blog on a regular basis. This week's challenge will also include a bonus - I have one extra curriculum guide that I found while I was cleaning out my office. I'd like to offer that as a bonus to one ASBDA member - I'll send it to you free of charge, BUT - you must post a comment, and you must tell me who you'd like to give it to - a prospective member, a student teacher, a student who is interested in pursuing a career in band music education???

So, post away & let's see how many posts we can get going - encourage other members in your area/state to post as well!

Cindy Swan-Eagan, President
American School Band Directors Assocation


  1. TO: Terry Treuden, Director of Instrumental Music at Wisconsin Lutheran College, to be use as a resource book for student wannabe band directors.

  2. To: Crystal Howard, my former student teacher who just began her career in Birmingham, Alabama. One of the best (and maybe THE) best prepared, inquisitive, alert, student teachers I've ever had! (Jeff Phillips)

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