Saturday, December 19, 2009

Membership membership!

While at Midwest, we had several inquiries about "what is ASBDA" and "how can I become a member." When checking on the states that many are from, I discovered that we only have ACTIVE membership (more than 3 actives in a state) in 19 states! About 6 with no members at any level and many with all retired, emeritus only. In order to make a "national impact" we need to work on this. Make sure that you take the time to find a worthy prospective member! If you're in a state where someone's band just played at Mid-west (or your state convention), there's a great place to start! Remember that the deadline for all paperwork is April 1st (to Sonja). If you need help getting started, let me know. Let's work to correct this percentage!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Curriculum Guide Winner

Would the person who posted as "Anonymous" (first poster) who would like to give the copy to Terry Treuden, please email me off blog, and I will get the Curriculum Guide to you! Thanks for the post!

As an aside - one of the things that we may run into by having a blog with open posting of comments, is the kind of "spam" comment that you'll see at the same post - we can eliminate those kinds of posts by simply having someone review each and every post that we make prior to having them actually posted on the blog. While we'll work to eliminate the spam comments, but a few may creep in, so please ignore them. We'll keep working to make this blog an open forum where all can contribute.

But, to that end, people need to: 1. Read the blog on a weekly basis & 2. Comment

This week's challenge, in the midst of holiday preparations, MidWest Clinic and a myriad of concerts & celebrations is to tell one other ASBDA member to be sure to read the blog and post a comment. This blog is a much more immediate source of information than our Newsletters, and much cheaper. It can be a great resource, but we will have to learn to use it! Let's encourage each other to get into the habit of checking out the blog.

Did you know that you can "follow" the blog? Then, when a new post appears, you will get an email of that post. In order to read comments, you will have to go to the blog itself, and click on the "comments" at the bottom of the post. Why not consider signing up to be an ASBDA Blog Follower? Check the top of the blog page, and click "Follow." This will allow you to receive each new posting in your email in-box - what could be easier??!!

See you at MidWest!

Cindy Swan-Eagan, President

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Curriculum Reform Project

Please take the following survey to help us gather information for use in the next phase of our ASBDA Curriculum Reform Project.

Click Here to take survey

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A note from Roy Holder in Virginia

This is for all of us; knowing the national reputation and quality of these programs, if they're on the "chopping block" any of us could be. It's time to help out and go beyond our position statement. Please take the time to respond as mentioned at the end of his note!

To one and all:

You may or may not know that Fairfax County, Virginia is in the midst of a huge budget crisis. Very simply put, at this point the entire elementary band and orchestra program is on a list of cuts designed to reduce the 2010-2011 budget. This is not a reduction of staff or a trimming of class time, but the Total Elimination of this crucial program. I am aware that many districts are facing difficult situations and will gladly rally behind any effort to help save programs. What makes the Fairfax situation so important is the fact that this is happening in one of the districts that has served as a leader and example for music programs in many parts of the country. If these cuts were to become reality, many school districts would follow in short order. In an effort to forestall this possibility your help is needed. There is an online petition that needs a minimum of 10,000 signatures to be effective. It takes only a minute and also allows you make comments on the importance of this issue to Fairfax County, the future of music programs or just the importance of music in general.

When you go to the site you will need to scroll down to find the petition and you may need to click on the update link at the bottom of the page. Please take a minute to add your name to the list of music supporters and add a comment.

Other contacts that will be effecting this process include:

Board of Supervisors:
John Cook –
Penelope Gross –

School Board:
Kathy Smith -
Ilryoun Moon -

Thank you for your support.

Roy Holder, Director of Bands
Lake Braddock High School
NBA Board of Directors High School Representative

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jason Foundation, Inc. and you!

As I became President of ASBDA in 2007, there were several people that expressed to me their frustration that ASBDA was not offering anything practical for our members. There was also a feeling at that time to increase our presence as a vital organization beyond our membership. Also during that period, I was introduced to my friend, Clark Flatt and his foundation to help prevent teen suicide. An idea: a chance for us to offer our members something practical and lend our support to a national cause. Already working with the Jason Foundation (named for his son, who took his life as a teenager) were groups such as the American High School Football Coaches Association and the High School Wrestling Association. My thoughts after 24+ years in teaching was that as band directors, we are in closer contact with our students (of both sexes, where the football and wrestling programs are primarily geared towards males) and often in our programs, we deal with the same students for several years. If any one group of teachers knows their students and makes an impact on their lives, it is US! They refer to teen suicide as the silent epidemic and while no one wants to talk about it, if you teach long enough, it will effect you or your school in some way. Teens today have a lot a "junk" to deal with. We are the ones on the front lines that can notice changes in behavior and other factors that can allow us to make a real difference.

The training provided by JFI via our website can be used by anyone simply by clicking on the link. Most states now require some type of suicide prevention training as part of yearly professional development. By completing these sessions, you may be able to fulfill this on your own. Even if this is not the case, the things mentioned are needed by teachers and parents of today's students. The goal of JFI is NOT to turn us all into counselors and psychiatric consultants! This is merely to open our eyes to look for collective patterns of behavior that may signal a problem and then allow us to put students in touch with professionals.

I urge all of our membership to go to the link and complete the training modules offered online. There is no cost and again, you can print out certificates of completion at the end which may be used for professional development training (note, some systems require an "in person" workshop, but maybe YOU can set that up through JFI or an affiliate in your area).

Teen suicide is not something we want to discuss, but it has everything to do with our "teaching" as we are responsible for the well being of our students. Our subject is "band," but we're teaching the kids and WE are the ones that see them everyday. I know in my career there have been several "referrals," some which I am sure made the difference. There have also been some that were defiant and parents in denial, but the kids are still around, so in the scheme of things, I know that I did the right thing. And yes, unfortunately, there have been a few that I missed. We can't all see every sign, but if we make a difference in ONE life, then that's worth it.

If you need more information, their site and contacts on their staff are more than helpful. You can also set up parent information links on your school website and they can help you with that. Please let other teachers in your system know about this and they too can access the free training via our site.

Enjoy living!
Jeff Phillips, Immediate Past President, ASBDA